What are the dedicated Line best practices?
Setting up OnPage dedicated Line best practice
1. Dedicated line number delivery capabilities
A. Dedicated line with Call back number
1. The caller is prompted to leave a callback number which is sent as an OnPage alert.
B. Dedicated line with voicemail attachment and call back number
1. The caller is prompted to leave a callback number and a detailed voicemail. The voicemail plus the call back number are sent as an OnPage alert. The recipient can listen to the voicemail attachment in the app.
C. Dedicated line with Live Call Routing, voicemail attachment and call back number
1. The caller is prompted to HOLD as the system calls the OnPage recipient live. If the recipient answers, they are connected live to a call. If the first recipient does not answer, you may choose to escalate the live call through more people, and if no answer, you can ask for the caller to leave a detailed voice message and call back number. Then the voicemail and call back number are sent as an OnPage alert.
2. Acquire a dedicated line number
A. Provide to OnPage your desired number area code
1. You can choose to have your local area code
2. Toll–free number such as 800, 855, 877 .etc. – There is an additional small cost for a Toll-free number.
3. Greeting and prompts
A. Provide to OnPage what callers will hear when they call the number. It is recommended to keep it short but clear and precise.
1. Sample greeting with voicemail attachment and call back number: “Thank you for calling Oliver wellness, please listen to the prompt carefully. When prompted, please leave a detailed voicemail and call back number and an on-call representative will return your call shortly”
2. Sample greeting with call back number: “Thank you for calling Oliver wellness, please listen to the prompt carefully. When prompted, please leave a call back number and an on-call representative will return your call shortly”
3. Sample greeting with Live Call Routing, voicemail attachment, and call back number: “Thank you for calling Oliver wellness, please listen to the prompt carefully. Please hold will we connect you with an on-call representative. All representative are busy, please leave a detailed voicemail and call back number and an on-call representative will return your call shortly”
4. OnPage recipients
A. Provide to OnPage the group ID or OPID that messages will be sent to.