How to create a group from the dispatcher panel

How to create a group from the dispatcher panel


  • How do I create new groups?
    • There really are two options, one being importing groups from your corporate  Active Directory using the OnPageContacts tool or OnPage administrators have the ability to create groups from the web console by selecting the Create Group button in the Contacts section.
  • What do the fields mean in the Create Group popup?

Name: Sets the name of the group name

Description: Allows you to provided some comments about the group

OnPage ID: Each group is assigned an OnPage ID so the group can be messaged from all send message types available from the OnPage service (such as Telephone or email).  After submitting the new group, the group OnPage ID will be automatically added by the system .

Escalation: Sets if the group should be an escalation group and what interval and factor the escalation should occur on.

Escalation interval:  Sets how long to wait to send a message to the next user.

Escalation factor: Sets the trigger for the escalation such as messages that have not been read.

  • What is the Add Contacts button?
    • This allows you to select contacts from an existing group and add them to a another group, for instance you can select contacts from the All Contacts group, when the Add Contacts button is selected you can pick which group you wish to assign the selected contacts to.
  • What is the Remove Contacts button?
    • Remove Contacts is used to remove users from a group. Note: This does not delete the OnPage ID from the OnPage system and the user can be added again later.
  • Why do I have a group called All Contacts?
    • By default all added users appear in the All Contacts group.
  • How Do I Edit a Group or a specific Contact?

If you were granted the appropriate security level to edit a group or a specific contact:

    • Stand on the specific group or contact and double click
    • Click the Edit button at the bottom to change to edit mode.
    • Perform the required changes
    • Click the submit button
  • How do I Delete a Group or a specific Contact?

If you were granted the appropriate security level to edit a group or a specific contact:

    • Stand on the specific group or contact and double click
    • Click the Edit button at the bottom to change to edit mode.
    • Click the Delete button at the bottom
  • What’s the difference between Create Contact and Add Contacts?
    • Create contact allows creating a new contact that does not exist and to provide him/her with an OnPage ID.
    • Add Contacts is used to add existing contacts in the list to a group/s.
  • What do I fill out in the OnPage ID field when provisioning a new contact?
    • The OnPage ID will be used for the user to login to the OnPage client application and the ID in which messages are sent to.
  • What is the Secured messaging & redundancy section for?

Secured messaging ensures your messages will only be sent over the OnPage messaging service.

    • By unselecting the Secured messaging check box you approve and allow redundancy and/or message copy:
      • Always send Redundancy: This  enables failover communications methods such as email, SMS or IVR as a backup to sending message over the OnPage messaging service. Failover is automatically enabled by the OnPage service.

Always send message copy: This allows for every message that is sent via OnPage to include a copy of the original message and send it to the users Email, SMS or IVR service.

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