OnPage BlastIT enterprise – How-To

OnPage BlastIT enterprise – How-To

Administration Tab

How do I create system administrators?

o   Click on the Administration tab

o   Click on Create Administrator

o   Fill in the form

o   Click Save

o   A welcome email is sent to the administrator with login instructions


How do I grant permissions to administrators?

o   When creating the administrator, you can choose specific permissions you would like to grant or leave empty to deny.

o   For example, if you would like to grant the administrator permission to create and edit administrator accounts, simply select it when creating the admin.


How do I edit the permissions of an administrator?

o   Click on the Administration Tab

o   Click on Edit beside the administrator you want to rearrange

o   Manage the permissions and click save

How do I delete an administrator?

o   Click on the Administration Tab

o   Click on Delete next to the administrator

o   Confirm deletion and if you change your mind, simply click Cancel

Templates Tab

How do I create a Template?

o   Click on the Templates Tab

o   Click on Create Template

o   Fill in the form

o   Click Save

How do I edit a template?

o   Click on the Templates Tab

o   Look for the template you want to edit

o   Click on Edit

o   Make changes and click save

How do I delete a template?

o   Click on the Templates Tab

o   Click on Delete next to the template

o   Confirm deletion and if you change your mind, simply click Cancel

Members Tab

How do I create a Member?

o   Click on the Members Tab

o   Click on Create Member

o   Fill in the form

o   Click Save


How do I edit a member?

o   Click on the Members Tab

o   Click Edit on the right side of the member you wish to revise

o   Make changes and click Save


How do I import a bulk number of members?

  • Make sure before you start importing, you have created a CSV file of your members with columns such us First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Secondary Email, Phone Number, Mobile Number, Array of departments.

o   Click on the Members Tab

o   Click on Import Members

o   Click on Choose CSV file and select your members CSV file

o   Check that columns contain the proper information

o   Click Import at the bottom

How do I export my members?

o   Click on the Members Tab

o   Click on Export Members

o   A CSV file will be automatically generated by your browser

o   Click open

How do I add members to a department?

o   Click on the Members Tab

o   Click Edit next to the member

o   On the right side under “Member of”, choose the department

o   Click Save

How do I delete a member?

o   Click on the Members Tab

o   Click on Delete next to the member

o   Confirm deletion if you change your mind, simply click Cancel

How do I delete more than one member at a time?

o   Click on the Members Tab

o   Click Bulk

o   Confirm deletion if you change your mind, simply click Cancel

Compose Messages

·         Click on the Compose Message Tab

·         Check the recipient or department

·         Select a Template or manually enter text

·         Choose transportation method whether by primary email, secondary email, native SMS and phone call

·         Click Send

What is the reply option?

Predefined responses that allow the recipient to easily select and reply to the message.

Can I send it to multiple departments at the same time?

Yes, you select to send to a combination of groups and individual recipients. There is no limit to how many recipients can be sent to at a given time.

Can I search for specific members to send to?

Yes. You can use the members' search section window to find the specific member you are looking to send the message to. You can search by names, country, city, street, etc.

Sent Messages Tab

·         Click on the Sent Messages Tab

·         Click on the avatar next to the message you want to see statuses for


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